Members Gather to Celebrate Sixty Years

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MPs, councillors, and more than one-hundred activists from all over the country, as well as a special appearance from the Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, gathered online on the 22nd October to celebrate 60 years since the formation of Christians on the Left, then called the Christian Socialist Movement.

Hosted by Lewisham East Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister for Faiths, Janet Daby MP, the event featured speeches, songs and prayers from across the membership.

The event opened with prayer from London Assembly member Jennette Arnold OBE AM along with a moving time of worship led by singer/songwriter and worship leader Noel Robinson. Christians on the Left Chair and Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Jonathan Reynolds MP spoke first, emphasising the distinctly Christian Socialist idea contained in Jesus’ words to ‘Love you neighbour as yourself’. He emphasised the unity within CotL despite many different Labour traditions, what he described as a “Broad Church within a Broad Church” and how that is an example for the party and the country.

Christians on the Left member Nairn McDonald shared his experience of being a member before Stephen Timms MP led in a time of prayer in which, after giving thanks for the sixty years of movement, he prayed for all members to be ‘salt & light’, especially those serving in Parliament and local government as well as Christian members of other political parties.

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer was present via a specially recorded message. Praising the work of Christians on the Left he highlighted the work many Christian members of the Labour are doing locally, through work such as food banks and homeless shelters, and nationally with campaigns around poverty and tax evasion particularly highlighted. He finished pointing towards the motivation of many Christian members of the Labour Party when he said,

“In these uncertain times we need the hope you bring more than ever.”

Former Christians on the Left Director Andy Flannagan performed a song specially written for the evening that paid tribute to those who stood up and made a difference from the Bible onwards, called “God of the Underdog” before the Shadow Minister for the Voluntary Sector and Charities, Rachael Maskell MP, brought the Bible reading from Matthew 22.

The Bishop of Salisbury, Nicholas Holtam, used this passage to consider the challenge and difference between secular and spiritual authorities, and the challenge of where the line for civil disobedience lies in democratic societies. The evening finished with another worship from song Noel Robinson before Ruth Jones MP closed the evening in prayer.

Commenting on the evening, Christians on the Left Director Louise Davies said,

“It was just amazing to see so many people gathered, especially as we were unable to do it in person, to celebrate the witness and activism of so many Christian Labour Party members over the last sixty years. I was encouraged by the focus on the future and the opportunities we have to ‘be the change’ that people are looking for.”

With thanks to CotL Member Ian Matthews for his reporting - @LeftMatthews

Formerly the Christian Socialist Movement born in 1960, Christians on the Left has been a Socialist Society affiliated with the Labour Party since 1988. This...


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