Speaking Truth to Power
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Welcome to Christians on the Left - Politics, Christianity, Renewal.
Christians on the Left exists primarily to support, resource and network Christians involved on the left of politics in the UK, but we now also have members all over the world. We are renewing politics on the Left, fighting injustice, campaigning, praying and supporting Christians involved in politics in the UK.
The last four years have been an exciting time of rapid growth with well over 2400 members, including 30+ MPs, peers and mayors, not to mention scores of local, borough and county councillors. There are now 15 CotL members in Keir Starmer’s new Shadow Cabinet (April 2020).
We believe it is vital for Christians to be involved in politics. It is only by showing up that we will change our world to better reflect the values of God's kingdom.
A Broad Church
We welcome a “broad church” of members who see themselves as coming from across the “political left”: whatever labels you choose to apply to yourself (and whichever you’d rather steer clear of!) we welcome the challenge that a spectrum of left-leaning members brings.
Our members also represent the diversity of denominations seen across the UK: Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Assemblies of God, Independents and many more! Our faith unites us, where arguments might seek to divide us.
Developing today’s leaders
We run the CotL Politcal Leadership Programme, developing not just the leaders of tomorrow, but the leaders of today. Drawing participants and teachers / trainers from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience, much of the depth of our programme comes from learning alongside those who have a different perspective.
Resourcing Christians engaging in Politics
We are here to network, support and resource our members, who are Christians with an interest in the Left of politics. Many of our members are also party political and involved at every level from branch meetings, through locally elected councillors all the way to the House of Commons and House of Lords. Our members are also social activists: many volunteer at projects such as their local food bank and others campaign on climate, injustice and poverty both at home and abroad.
Working together
You don’t have to be involved in the Labour Party to be a member of Christians on the Left. In fact we welcome new members who have never belonged to any political party, those who have just begun to get involved and those who have been a card-carrying Party member since birth and followed politics since before the founding of the NHS!
We are proud to be affiliated with the largest left-leaning Political Party in the UK: the Labour Party. As part of our role, we facilitate engagement between Labour and Christians and churches across the country.
“I want to ensure that Christians on the Left’s activism is drawn upon in Labour’s work in opposition. ”
— Keir Starmer MP, Leader of the Opposition
There is plenty of information on our website so do dig around the different pages. However, if you can’t find the specific answer you’re looking for, we’d love to help, so do get in touch. When we’re doing real face-to-face in Westminster, we can’t always man the phone, so if you don’t get through then do send us an email and try again later.
0207 783 1590